Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Java jammin

I don't know about you, but there is nothing like an impromptu jam session to get the photographer in me all shutter-finger twitchy. I could hear the cardboard "drums" from a few doors down. I had to investigate.
Here are some more to enjoy:

I didn't think that this piano had anything left. I guess in the hands of a master, well...

This is Frank DeBlase, a Rochesterian who writes and photographs. He used to be in a band called the Flattops or something like that. His photography is pretty provocative but beautiful. He writes for the City Newspaper.  A friend says that he can't play professionally anymore because he has Parkinson's disease.

Ever watch the Record Archives commercials with the record that dances and the guy is superimposed with the dancing record? Well....that's the guy, Richard Storms, top left.

Catch that percussion? wump, wump, wump!
On the right is George Diaz Muniz, classical and Spanish guitarist. You will regularly see him outside of this shop at the market. His buddy, on the left, wanted to charge me 100 dollars to take his photo. I did put a dollar in the tip jar!  Sorry, fresh out of dollahs!


  1. Great post, Kathy. Fantastic photos as well. I don't know how you got all that info from them. LOL

  2. Thanks, Renee. I sit next to the "Rockapeadia...Gerry Guidoni" Name any local band, he can tell you the drummer's shoe size!

  3. George did give me his card in exchange for a photo of him.

  4. Nice photos!

    That's "Frantic Frank" formerly of the "Frantic Flattops" a fantastic rock-a-billy band. I used to live up stairs from Too Tall Paul. I even dated one of their ex-drummers in a former life... lol

  5. Great back story, Michelle! That made me smile. awesome! It was amazing to see them.
