Monday, February 7, 2011

Days gone by...Midtown

As I was driving in to work this morning, I noticed that the skyway bridge crossing Broad Street was completely out. Kinda makes me sad to think about it. I could go on and on about how functional and wonderful that skyway is but hey, the city doesn't listen to me...sigh. Here are a few shots from when Midtown Plaza (the first indoor mall in the United States) was in it's waning days. I wish I could say I knew it "when" but I wasn't around town then. My loss.  The first picture was in the eating area. I really wanted to walk home with one of those marble tables, they were cool. The second, is a view from the trashcan. Boy, if that metal cylinder could talk....Lastly, is a shot from the underground garage. Hope that it will be bigger and better than before, when they are all done.

1 comment:

  1. Sad it's gone but at least you got some great shots to remember it by.
